In 2017, Silent Rock Educational Services, LLC was formed as a boutique consulting firm focusing on leadership skills for individuals and teams. The desire was to create a more personalized approach to the self-awareness domain of emotional intelligence and create opportunities to explore the usefulness of emotional intelligence in “everyday life.”

Today, a part of the mission of Silent Rock Ed, is to be a mirror for our clients to see themselves more clearly as they become students of their thoughts and actions. This is our way of encouraging what we call “values-based generational wealth.”

With over 20 years of experience teaching, speaking, leading, and coaching, Dr. Precious is known as a brilliant mind with a natural synergism that produces results. She has coached teachers, principals, district and business leaders to award winning impact throughout her career both in person and virtually.

Whether she is a keynote speaker, session facilitator, or leading a coaching session, Dr. Precious uses her experiences, expertise, humor, and authenticity to move audiences toward action.

My work with Dr. Precious was
some of the best coaching I've had! I've taken it to heart and have seen changes not only in my actions but in my mindset. It's the small choices and actions every day that begin to change the narratives in our mind.

Andrea Fitzgerald, coach, consultant, and educator